Friday, July 28, 2017

Recap on July's Unusual Spending

Unusual spending? How'd we do?

Overall, we estimated pretty well!

Besides vacation, our most expensive unusual spending for July was school supplies. We needed school supplies for the kids and for my classroom. We went to Target and got everything we needed. It was $327... EEEEKKK! We ordered the kids backpacks from Amazon and that was another $90. Although I charged everything to get the points, we had enough cash in our "school" envelope to pay for everything. We even have $115 left over in that envelope for unexpected school expenses at the beginning of the year. We will continue to fund this envelope throughout the school year to pay for any needed expenses: dances, field trips, yearbooks, etc.

We also bought first day of school outfits at Target. The Boy did indeed just pick out a tee-shirt and is choosing to wear a pair of shorts he already owns. His total: $9. The Girl did pick out a new dress (it's so cute!). It was only $19. We still need to go shopping for new shoes for the fist day of school, but we should be able to pay for them out of our "clothing" envelope. And then we will continue to fund it throughout the year.

We did pay our car insurance in full. (For the first time ever, we charged our premiums to get the points.) There was never any transferring of money to cover the difference. We had a cushion in our checking account and instead used that. Now, we have no cushion, but we do have car insurance! In the new house, we have an impounds account that we didn't have with our old mortgage. The account we used to use to pay our homeowners insurance and property taxes will now become our new cushion. (It will also still be used to pay our car insurance and kids' activities.

As far as vacation went, we had enough gas money set aside to fund our whole trip. We slightly "overspent" on vacation, but it wasn't too bad.

Overall, we estimated and funded our unusual spending for July very well. Now we need to get used to our "new normal" and continue to figure out our budgeting and debt repayment.

*Right as I was about to hit "publish", I realized I did forget one unusual expense. We bought tickets to go with The Kids to see Tim McGraw and Faith Hill this coming weekend. The tickets are already paid for but we will have to pay for parking and dinner. It shouldn't be too expensive. We will grab something quick and cheap for dinner and then pay whatever parking costs. I'm really looking forward to it. I love Tim McGraw and have seen him in concert 17 times; this will be number 18 and I'm so looking forward to it!

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