Wednesday, January 31, 2018


It’s found money… that went straight to my debt. I know it’s not much, in fact, it’s only .002% of my total debt, but IT IS .002% of my total debt that is gone.

Long story short, we have a history of “finder’s keepers, losers weepers” in our family. I drove my mom’s car the other day, as she is still staying with us from her hip replacement, and I found $27. (Another long story short, we know the money was my dad’s.) I did ask my mom first and she did allow for the “finder’s keepers” rule to be played!

The day after I found the money, I was going to the bank to deposit some money and withdrawal our bi-weekly budget allotments, and that money was deposited and then immediately sent to our credit card.

We are still in massive debt, but that is one small step closer to our goal of getting out of debt.
I don’t know that we will make our goal of under $16500 or not, it’s too soon to tell. It’s also too soon to tell if we will make our goal of paying off a minimum of $605. (We will pay that much (and then some) towards debt, but we have also charged things this month.)

I need to stop charging… or at least really work on decreasing the amount of things I charge!
Still using the credit card is certainly not helping us to get out of debt!!!

$27 doesn’t sound like much, but I am happy with the decision I made to send it straight to debt!

I have some more money coming in from a couple places (hopefully in the next few weeks) and all that money, about $300, will go straight to our debt!

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