Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Drastic Times Call for Drastic Measures

Due to unforeseen circumstances, our credit card bill did not, in fact, go down, but it actually went up. You’ve already read about my car saga, and if you haven’t, you can do so here.

That, coupled with some charges The Husband made, that I was unaware of, caused our bill to sky rocket to just over $18000 by the last closing date.

I am done not being able to make any headway on our credit card bill. I am done with the balance increasing every month. I am just done!

So, my solution is to take $3000 out of savings and plunk it straight on the balance on our credit card; sort of as a way to kickstart our debt repayment.

It's not ideal, but I need to seem some progress. I have got to see a decreased balance on my credit card and I'm hopint this will be the beginning of a downward trend!

I don’t know if it’s the best solution, but right now, it’s the only solution I’ve got.

I am so sick of increased balances on our credit card!

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