Thursday, September 20, 2018

Small Extra Payments

As always, we didn’t pay off as much debt as I would have liked.

At this point, I’m actually just speculating because I only know, about, what my credit card balance is going to be. Needless to say, it didn’t go down enough! I do know that the balance will be less than last month’s, so regardless of the total we did make progress.

Near the end of our billing cycle I was able to make some extra payments I wasn’t totally anticipating. And boy am I glad I was because without those extra payments, I wouldn’t have made any progress at all on our debt; we would have just broken even.

I received a small extra paycheck this month, which was awesome because I wasn’t sure when I was going to get that check. I sent that entire check $188 to the credit card and I actually rounded it up to $200.  I also overestimated a couple of our other bills to the tune of $16. I know that isn’t much, but right now, every little bit helps. So I was able to send an extra payment of $216.

My mom also paid me back $81 that she owed me and after my bank debacle, I was able to send another extra $100 towards our credit card.

I’m glad all these small extra payments allowed me to make some small progress towards our credit card debt. I’m only sad that we still charged so much on our credit card over the month. If we had charged less over the month, these small payments would have made a bigger dent. I can’t change the past, but I can continue to work to improve our future. Again, I’m trying to look on the bright side and be glad that we made payments that totaled more than we charged this month; and that these small extra payments are actually the difference of why that happened, without them our debt would have actually risen again.

I need to remember that EVERY little bit helps!

Taking my credit card out of my wallet was one of the smartest decisions I’ve ever made. Although we still made charges on the card over the month, the amount we’ve charged has seriously decreased; hence, the reason we were able to actually make progress towards our credit card at all, albeit just a little bit.

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