Friday, November 9, 2018

Super Excited!

If you couldn’t tell by the title of this post… I’m super excited!

Since we are redoing debt, I was able to make a $1060 to our credit card. It’s the first real payment for our new plan. And it’s the first time in a long time I really feel like we are making progress.

Of course there have been some charges on the card as I have bought Christmas presents but haven’t gotten the money to pay for them yet. (That is coming in a retro check to me on 11/20.) We also charged The Boy’s birthday “party” expenses, which were about $250. However, we are making progress and have one more small payment that will go towards debt with The Husband’s next paycheck.

But right now, there isn’t much that can take away from my excitement of making some real progress. And going forward, I hope there is only going to be more forward progress!

With my paycheck today, we also paid back $50 more to The Kids and are getting oh-so-close to having them paid back. And once we get our credit card debt under $18000, we are going to knock that debt out completely! Hopefully that will be next week.

I know we still have a really long way to go; but I’m really excited to see some progress in the right direction!

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