Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Quick Post

This is going to be just a quick post…

I plan to do a debt update in just a couple of days. I think it might be slightly more positive than I expected. (Thank God for No-Spend September!)

My life has been crazy and debt payoff has not been a priority, but I still want to see the small blessings I see.

Recently, we bought tickets to a show for a group of 12 people. I commented to two of them that they owed me money. Both said I was wrong and they didn’t owe me anything. (They were not being rude or mean about it. They truly didn’t know.) Then their husbands stepped in and said, yes, we do. They paid me on the spot. That was unexpected and I was able to send the money right to our credit card.
I have also bought a lot of stuff for my mom recently. She is so busy caring for my dad right now that she doesn’t get out much. I love my mom but she usually takes months to pay me back. She paid me back everything she owed me within two weeks of my buying it and I was able to send the money straight to the credit card.

As it is September and inching closer to Christmas, I have found my “Christmas” envelope so helpful! It has never held more than about $600 at a time because as money goes in, money comes out. But, it has been so wonderful to be able to pay for things using the envelope. I don’t know why it took me nearly 40 years to plan for Christmas but I’m so glad I did and I will never go back to the old way! I love having a Christmas budget and having money to pay for the things we need to buy!

I feel like God has really blessed us the last week. Because it is No-Spend September, we were able to make a little progress on our credit card bill this month. Between being paid back a lot of the money we were owed and our payments we made a pretty good dent, but I knew I wanted to pay more, but I had no more funds coming in. I even thought about transferring money from our savings account but had to stop myself.  Fast forward a couple of days and I logged into my bank account and had more money than I expected, (which is always nice!). I received an “extra” paycheck from a day I worked last month that I forgot about! YAY!!!! $170 straight to the credit card! Then, we had to donate a car as it was breaking down more often than it worked, (, it was the first new car I ever bought and almost 17 years old. It was a great car!), when The Husband called to have it taken off of the insurance, they said we would be getting a refund check fro $298. It went straight to the credit card! Lastly, I had some returns that I needed to take back and I finally did that for another $49.

Each day when I pray, I pray to God about improving our financial situation and getting out of debt. I pray for wisdom and restraint with our finances. This last week I have tried and tried to figure out a way to come up with more money to give us a chance to bring our credit card bill under $16,000 when it closes. I had exhausted all the avenues I could think of and then God gave us a $515 swing in our finances! In just two days! It’s still going to be really close to see where our credit card actually closes at after interest, but because of these blessings, we have a chance of our balance being below $16,000. That will be the least money we have owed in credit card debt in about 18 months!
These are all small wins but added together made for some good financial progress!
Wow, this post ended up being longer, and more detailed, than I expected it to be!
Have you had any wins lately?

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